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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Adventure-Return to Washington D.C.

It's almost laughable. I know the capital of Brazil so well, but I have only visited the capital of the United States once. It was a full week but it was such a whirlwind that I felt lost at the end of it. I'm moving to D.C. in a few days as I'll be starting an internship at the Library of Congress. I'll have the chance to live and work in D.C. for four months. It will be a new adventure and I'm excited to begin. In the meantime I'll enjoy a few more days of rest and work and preparation.
   As much as I love being with friends and family, I love the excitement of a new adventure with new places and opportunities. With the chances to be able to grow and learn I'm excited for the next few months. Not only do I get to study and work in Washington, I'll also be able to figure out if library work is what I really want to do.  
    Talking to my Supervisor about it, he joked "Did things get hard enough to run you off again?" We both had a good laugh as it probably appears that since high school I haven't been content to be in Provo for a solid year. Dixie State, Brasilia, return to Brazil and now D.C. You could easily get the impression that family and friends have little appeal compared to new horizons.
  But I do. It's just that there are so many opportunities right now that I feel I can't just watch them pass by. So once again I'll drop everything and run off into the wild blue. I'll post again when I get into D.C.

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