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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Our Ward and Father's Day

Church was great. It was fast and testimony meeting because they had the dedication of the temple of Manaus last week and stake conference with Elder R.M. Costa. It was very nice. The ward here is very large and there were a lot of younger families and children. They even had a whole class for single adults which blew my mind.
 When I walked into church I saw (Elder) Cassio Romero and he had a confused look as he could tell I looked very familiar. When I got closer he started freaking out and it was fun to surprise him. He only came here Monday so it was his first Sunday back. He pulled me around to tell everyone I had served with him in Brasilia. He used to make cuscuz for Elder Craig and I so we agreed to meet up before I leave to make some more. It was great to be able to see how big of a difference an Elder makes here in Brazil when he comes home. He shared a brief, but very firm and inviting testimony and he will talk next week.
 Happy Father's Day Dad! I hope you get to come home from the stake offices a little early to enjoy some time with the family, but I doubt it. Thanks for all you do and your example in my life.
Tomorrow the study part of the study abroad begins so I am excited for classes to start. I loved being able to speak at church in Portuguese and understand (and be understood).
It just started to get rainy and stormy, but we saw this from our window for a few minutes

                                          Ocean at low tide-compare it to the first pictures I sent
Another funny thing, I am probably closer to Fano than I will be the rest of his mission. The only thing that is between us is the ocean now!

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