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Friday, June 22, 2012

Temple Visit

Today we were able to go to the temple. It was an interesting experience because I enjoyed the beauty and spirit of the temple, but my clothes were all small and it is hard to be completely at peace when your fingers are beginning to lose feeling due to the loss of circulation. The temple is beautiful and really sticks out. When we went to get the bus we were trying to ask if the bus passed some of the nearby landmarks and the bus driver didn’t know any of the stops that we were naming. Joe finally just asked “Do you know where the Mormon temple is?” and the bus driver knew exactly what we were talking about. 
Joe had a really cool experience. There was a stake at the temple from Bahia and there were several people he knew, including a man that he baptized. He was going through the temple and had been sealed to his wife earlier that week. It was fun to see the fruits of his mission. And what were the chances? I think not...

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