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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Chicken Port

Today was another tourist day. We went to Porto de Galinhas, Chicken Port, and played around the beach for the day. Porto de Galinhas has natural pools that form with the low tide where fish and sea animals wait for the tide to come back in among the reefs. So we feed the fish and swam around for a little while before chilling on the beach, playing soccer and tanning/sunburning depending on who you are. You can guess which group I was.
  We were playing soccer with a ball that probably weighed .000001 lbs and so any gust of wind and the ball went crazy in the air, but it was good fun with the tide coming in. It's so interesting how we are treated as a group in the tourist zones compared to the smaller cities further inland. In the tourist zones we are approached as targets while in the interior people are generally more curious about why we are there.
 I'm not feeling so great, probably a combination of something I ate and sunstroke. Or I have malaria or dengue. So if I'm not in the hospital, I'll write again tomorrow.

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