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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hold the Fort!

This post won’t be posted on Facebook, not because I don’t want everyone to read it, but because I never want people to feel awkward when I talk about them. I don’t know if I am strange (strange in this way, I know I am strange), but I always feel uncomfortable when people are praising me or when I am receiving recognition. This seems to happen especially with good friends, where you have had a great moment or time and you want to express how much they mean to you.
                The past few days were amazing to be with the group and to get to know everyone better. At the same time it was great to still have contact with the friends and family back home (or around the world), and know that I have really been blessed with such great friends and family. Pat yourself on the back for being part of my life.
Okay, now back to business.
Today we all woke up tired, sore and sunburned from yesterday so we took the morning easy. After checking out of the hotel we went to a fort that has guarded Natal since 1599. The name of the fort is 'Forte dos Reis Magos' or 'Fort Wise Men', because the day the fort was started is a Catholic day to remember the Three Kings who brought gifts to the baby Jesus. I really enjoyed the architecture and enjoyed learning more about the fort. After that we headed home on our bus and we got home safe and sound tonight.


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